Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fresh Raspberry Yogurt with Chocolate

So ever just want to actually prep something nice and easy and make it look pretty or at least try to? well i have so I decided to try this project out.

  • Bowl
  • Fork
  • Grater of some kind
  • Spoon

  • Fresh Raspberries
  • 2 cups of Vanilla Yogurt
  • 1 Chocolate Bar
Ingredients and an upside down candy bar 
 First grab a couple of raspberries and mash them with a fork
Mashing the raspberries

Mashed Raspberries looks like Jam
 Add the vanilla yogurt and mix it up so that it looks good. also try to make sure the mash isn't all at the bottom you want some of that good stuff at the top too
Adding the Vanilla Yogurt

Mix it all up!
 While the yogurt is chilling on the side, break off a piece of the chocolate and shave some of it with a grater into a bowl.
Garnish Time!

Chocolate Shavings!

 At the end of all this add some raspberries to the top either arranged or just thrown in there and sprinkle with the chocolate and ta-da you got a delicious dessert or breakfast item!

End Product looks amazing right?

Conclusion Out of 5: 5- Amazing!

Cost:  5: VERY CHEAP! It was just simple ingredients really. Its very very inexpensive to make.

Experience Cooking: 4, Easy and somewhat fun. Then again I'm sorta tired tonight so maybe it would be more fun if I was fully awake.

Time: 5, Simple and easy.

Apperance: 4, Not what I expected but it looks tasty and it was!

Taste: 5, Very good the taste of the raspberries were very bold giving it a great flavor. Its kinda energizing and makes me think this would be a great quick and easy breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Throw on a couple of blueberries for a July 4th treat :)
